Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Different Types Of Fatty Acids

The Benefits of the Different Types of Fatty Acids

Fatty acids, particularly omega-3, should be included in your diet plan. This is highly recommended by health experts as this has numerous positive effects to your body. However, there are different types of fatty acids, some with more health benefits than others.
You probably have encountered the term fatty acids numerous times. Just what are they?
Well, fatty acids are actually the end product of the breakdown of fats. They are sometimes referred to as good fats and can be found in the different types of food that we eat. Different kinds of food offer different types of fatty acids.

Fatty Acids Functions

It is imperative to include fatty acids in your diet for the body to sustain several functions such as aiding in the development of the cell membrane. If you want to nourish the different organs of your body and strengthen them, including these acids in your diet might help.
Furthermore, these acids are also important in transporting oxygen through the bloodstream to the different parts of the body.

Runners rely heavily on efficient oxygen transportation to fuel their tissues while running and training. Essential fatty acids play a crucial role in transporting oxygen from red blood cells to your mitochondria, according to David Mostofsky, author of "Handbook of Essential Fatty Acid Biology." Your mitochondria convert oxygen and nutrients into usable energy. Healthy Living: What Do EFAs Do for a Runner?
Another important function of fatty acids, omega-3 in particular, is that they can aid in maintaining healthy cardiovascular system. This includes lowering of blood cholesterol as well as triglycerides.
People who follow a Mediterranean style diet tend to have higher HDL or “good” cholesterol levels, which help promote heart health. Inuit Eskimos, who get high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids from eating fatty fish, also tend to have increased HDL cholesterol and decreased triglycerides (fats in the blood). Several studies have shown that fish oil supplements reduce triglyceride levels. University of Maryland Medical Center
If you want great skin and slow the aging process, you may want to consume adequate amounts of essential fatty acids.
EFAs can be real skin care powerhouses. Research suggests that they may not only reduce sun sensitivity in those with photodermatitis, they may also diminish the inflammation associated with acne. Other studies found that psoriasis treatment that included medication and EFA supplementation was more successful than treatment with medication alone. WebMd

Types of Fatty Acids

There are actually different types of fatty acids. They can be considered as saturated, monounsaturated, polyunsaturated and trans-fat. The different types can be found in varying amounts, usually depending on the food that you consume.
For instance, when you consume olive oil, you would be getting roughly 73 percent monounsaturated fatty acids and the remaining parts are composed of either the polyunsaturated or the saturated.

Which Fatty Acids Do You Really Need?

Without going into mind-boggling details, such as atoms and bonds, which fatty acids do you really need to enhance your health?
Saturated fatty acids can be bad for your health. These have negative effect to your health only because the body has the tendency to use them to manufacture cholesterol, which can result in clogged arteries.
Further, there are essential and non-essential fatty acids. Your body cannot make essential fatty acids, therefore you need to include or add these into your diet. The most important of these are omega-3, particularly those with high levels of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).
The two most important fatty acids, DHA and EPA, can only be obtained by eating fatty fish, seafood or taking a good quality fish oil supplement.
Plant sources or omega-3 supply a different type of fatty acid, known as alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). The conversion is not efficient and loses much of the beneficial compounds are lost. Therefore, eating fatty fish or taking a high-quality fish oil pill remain the best ways to get essential fatty acids.

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