Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Why You Need DHA Fish Oil

The Truth About DHA Fish Oil And Its Benefits

DHA fish oil is one of the most popular supplements in use today, right behind multivitamins. So, what is DHA and what makes it so important?

Think about this for moment. A fully grown male gorilla weighs about 400 to 500 pounds.[1] Though not as impressive as the phrase "800 pound gorilla" would have us believe, that is some serious size especially considering that very little of it is fat. Yet the gorilla's brain weighs 500 cc on average.[2]

In contrast, the average male adult human weighs 168–183 pounds,[3] yet the brain weighs 1,300 - 1,400 pounds. What makes for such a huge difference?[4]

Well, the difference between our brain that of one of our closest cousins is a something known as DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).DHA does not give our brain volume, but is also extremely important to its health and function. And that's just for starters.

It is easy to see why DHA fish oil supplements have gained such enormous popularity.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Are the Health Benefits Associated with Omega 3 EPA Real?

It can be confusing. All the abundant promotional literature, general-interest articles, or even the scientific studies with what appears to be contradictory evidence regarding the health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. This post will attempt to make some sense of these claims as far as the importance of omega-3 EPA as a dietary component or supplement goes.