Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Choosing Omega 3 Supplements: Things You Must Know

Choosing omega 3 supplements
There is no doubt about this. You have heard loads about the benefits omega-3. Understandably, you wish to discover ways to go about choosing the best omega-3 supplements. Congratulations, you are a savvy consumer. This short article will present you with some pointers on finding the best products.

The health benefits of omega-3 essential fatty acids are myriad and include preventing or reducing symptoms of heart disease, arthritis, some forms of cancer and depression, to mention just a few.

Omega-3 Fats: What Are They?

Some fats are in fact healthful. Omega-3 fatty acids, also referred to as n-3 fatty acids, are healthy fats in a category referred to as polyunsaturated fats (PUFs). There are three major groups; alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), docosahexeanoic acid (DHA), and eicosapenteanoic acid (EPA) EPA and DHA are obtained from animal sources such as cold-water fatty fish and krill, and ALA is obtained from plant sources including flax seeds and chia seeds.

These are also known as EFAs (essential fatty acids) for the reason that we cannot synthesize them on our own and must therefore get them via the food we eat.

How To Get Omega-3

Omega-3 essential fatty acids may be obtained from animal or plant sources. Plant sources offer a type of fatty acid referred to as ALA, and animal sources supply EPA and DHA. DHA and EPA have been shown to be more beneficial compared to ALA.

Animal sources of omega-3 fats include fish and seafood. Some examples are herring, clams, krill, salmon, and halibut. Fish and other types of marine animals are the best source of omega-3s since they provide DHA and EPA in a natural state.

Farm-raised fish do not offer these health benefits, mainly because of the diet they are fed. Wild fish along with other marine animals obtain the fatty acids via feeding on sea algae or from consuming other sea animals through the food chain. The right natural environment is nonexistent in farm-raised fish.

Picking Out Omega-3 Supplements

Regular consumption of fish is the best way of getting omega-3s. It can also be expensive as well as impractical for most people because fresh wild-caught fish is expensive and not always available in the market. Taking dietary supplements is therefore one viable option for many people.

You should be careful when shopping for omega-3 supplements as a number of products will provide you with virtually no benefit. Being aware of what to look for in a product is most important: Here are some tips:

  • The primary reason for taking omega-3 supplements is getting the important EPA and DHA fat. Look for reasonable levels of these on the product's label. Do not purchase a product that does not show amounts of those two.
  • Species specific products: Steer clear of products that have words on the labels such as "marine lipids" or "mixed species". The product label should indicate the types of fish of fish to be of good quality.
  • Equally important is the processing method. Low-heat methods, like molecular distillation, are preferable as they filter out toxins without affecting the healthy properties.
  • Synthetic preservatives are rarely a good thing. Krill oil naturally has vitamin E, a natural preservative. Fish oil does not, and vitamin E is often added to avoid oxidation and rancidity. This is advisable. What you need to stay away from is artificial preservatives. These are typically listed in technical names. Needless to say, you do not need color added in a health supplement.

Surprisingly, big brand names don't always make the best supplements. A number of smaller sized operations make top-quality products. These usually sell their products directly to the consumer to keep their prices relatively low.

Omega-3 fats, or n-3 fatty acids, are some of the most important compounds for optimal health. With the above tips you may be in a better position to choose the best omega-3 supplements and avoid useless supplements.

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Why You Need DHA Fish Oil

The Truth About DHA Fish Oil And Its Benefits

DHA fish oil is one of the most popular supplements in use today, right behind multivitamins. So, what is DHA and what makes it so important?

Think about this for moment. A fully grown male gorilla weighs about 400 to 500 pounds.[1] Though not as impressive as the phrase "800 pound gorilla" would have us believe, that is some serious size especially considering that very little of it is fat. Yet the gorilla's brain weighs 500 cc on average.[2]

In contrast, the average male adult human weighs 168–183 pounds,[3] yet the brain weighs 1,300 - 1,400 pounds. What makes for such a huge difference?[4]

Well, the difference between our brain that of one of our closest cousins is a something known as DHA (docosahexaenoic acid).DHA does not give our brain volume, but is also extremely important to its health and function. And that's just for starters.

It is easy to see why DHA fish oil supplements have gained such enormous popularity.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Are the Health Benefits Associated with Omega 3 EPA Real?

It can be confusing. All the abundant promotional literature, general-interest articles, or even the scientific studies with what appears to be contradictory evidence regarding the health benefits of omega-3 fatty acids. This post will attempt to make some sense of these claims as far as the importance of omega-3 EPA as a dietary component or supplement goes.

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Different Types Of Fatty Acids

The Benefits of the Different Types of Fatty Acids

Fatty acids, particularly omega-3, should be included in your diet plan. This is highly recommended by health experts as this has numerous positive effects to your body. However, there are different types of fatty acids, some with more health benefits than others.
You probably have encountered the term fatty acids numerous times. Just what are they?

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Understanding the Benefits of Fish Oil DHA Omega-3

Fresh seafood: DHA omega-3 source
DHA omega-3 fatty acids can be a powerful way for people to improve their health and boost longevity. Just what is DHA omega-3?

Well, it is a fatty acid commonly found in cold water fish oil, shellfish, and marine algae. And while it has been in use for thousands of years, researchers have only recently discovered the many health benefits of this amazing compound. The following guide explores the many potential health benefits of DHA omega-3 fatty acid supplementation.